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Showing posts from March, 2017

My Review and Rant on Beauty and the Beast - Spoiler - It is good!

There will be spoilers in the blog post, please refrain from reading if you don't want to know anything. Today I saw Beauty and the Beast, the live action one with Emma Watson. It was fantastic, whimsical, and purely romantic. It was everything I was waiting for, excited about, and more. Emma's voice wasn't Disney Princess quality; however, SHE CAN SING! That is all that matters. Apparently there were some concerns with this movie that I A) don't care about and B) they are "much ado about nothing". For Example: Le Fou is the first openly gay character by Disney. WHAT!? I am in complete shock... just kidding. WHO CARES! If you have seen the musical and the cartoon version ... it is a little bit obvious isn't it? He is singing a song about a man, and admiring him in a very "I love you so much please turn gay for me" way. He is French, and the French can be a little bit flamboyant and that is what makes them truly fun people (trust