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Showing posts from 2016

The Closing of 2016

2016 brought on many good and bad events! Lots of political rages, standing for what you believe in, and the death of many celebrities. But that is just the world's 2016! My 2016 was... well probably my most mundane year. I haven't even updated my personal blog  in a while because this blog has been my favorite for 2016. When 2015 ended I vowed to never feel like I did in that year, and I worked at it. I made new friendships, bought my home, and was even really good with my weight loss for a while. My weightloss rantings can be found  HERE!  I must warn you, I haven't updated it for over a year now, but I vow to work on that blog. This one is easier since it deals with the everyday issues that I personally find entertaining and I try to make them fun, but I doubt I have a lot of followers, that is totally okay. I just like to type! My last 6 months of 2016 were not my best but they were not my worse, I did gain a lot more weight and that is something I never want to do

Living with Depression - A Seasonal Post

About six months ago I wrote post about living with depression and bore some of my inner most thoughts. Well today it has been about 1.5 years since I was diagnosed with depression, and 2 years since my boob job - they are not related I promised. Why do I mention my boob job - well it helped my self esteem, but there was still a part of me that was not happy. So I went to the doctor and got diagnosed.  Winter is the worst season for me. I am not sure if it is bad for anyone else. But it always has been, no matter the time of the year, the festivities, the people I am surrounded with, I usually just slap a smile on my face and go with the flow.  Here is what I am going to forewarn you about - I am not a hermit. A hermit is someone who never leaves their house for any reason. I am too broke and too young to be a hermit. However, I do love to be a home. I am a homebody.  In the winter the days get shorter and it feels like night time can last for hours. Then when the sun comes out,

I went to Chili's 100% alone... thoughts from an introvert

After an eventful evening of going to the T-Mobile store to upgrade my Nexus 6 to an iPhone, finding that all stores near you did not have an iPhone 6S+ nor the newest phone in stock... I finally went with preordering the iPhone 7s+ in Rose Gold with 64 GB of storage, paid off my cell phone I have now, so I could start payments on my new one. Good news is, by Thanksgiving... I should have a new phone, bad news, I am stuck with my glitchy phone until then. But one cannot complain with such a minimal "first world problem". Oh, did I mention, I left my debit card at work, so I had to do this on my credit card.... thank goodness for online payments! My plans kind of fell through after that, no one's fault but the sickness my sweet friend encountered. I got into my car, drove back to work got my debit card and then made the biggest ballsiest (is that a word?) move I think I have done since that time I went to a movie 100% alone. I went to Chili's by myself. One cannot

How to ACE That Job Interview - if Not the Actual Job

Take it from someone who works in an industry where we hire when we have openings. I have participated in the interviewing process, been interviewed, call and schedule interviews, and bring up many potential new hires into their interview. My dream is that everyone can be successful and get the job that they want. Here are some tips on how to ACE the job interview: 1- You have to WANT the job. Don't just apply for anything just because the pay may be what you want. 2. You need to KNOW about the job, read up on it! Many jobs provide information in the job description, read the ENTIRE description! Don't just scroll down to the minimum qualifications. 3. You may not know this - but the initial phone call to schedule the interview CAN INDEED be a huge factor to your success of the job interview. I have called numerous individuals who do not sound confident on the phone, no matter how amazing they are at what they do. Most jobs do require you to be on the phone at some p

Let's Get Real: Living with Depression

By now you have heard countless stories and read numerous articles and blogs about depression, and now you are here. So if I do have any readers, and you want to move along, please do. But I am going to bear my soul to you, get real with you, and say things that you may not want to read, or will not get because you don't have what I have. Depression - it is a feeling of sadness, and a roller coaster of emotions. The perfect example happened to me tonight. I was at my best friend's house playing games with a lot of people, and I was ecstatic, happy, over the moon delighted to be there. I was laughing, making jokes, singing, and being my "old self". The drive home was not as much. I was in my brain, thinking, over analyzing situations and things that had no point of being there. I was upset, on the verge of crying, and wondering what was the point to life. I get home, and I am instantly happy, I am in my castle, my slice of heaven.  No, I am not suffering from bi

It's Midnight, and I Have to be up at Six....

Hey there, it is me, just sitting here before bed after a late evening adventure with one of my best friends. She called me up needing my comfort after dealing with a rough ex friend situation, and that is never easy. Believe me, I have been through it, and I have actually had to do the ex friending (I know it sounds awful, but I have my personal reasons). It put into perspective a lot of things for me, like for example, how much we throw around the term "best friend". I have my friends, acquaintance's, my besties, and my best friends who are pretty much my soul mates. My friends: everyday people, we hang out occasionally, but infrequently, and we keep on touch occasionally. Acquaintance's: people I work with, people I just met, individuals I am forced to be cordial to even though I would rather stick a spork in my eyeball. Besties: close friends at work, talk to a few times a week, Snapchat, and comment on things on social media. Best friends: I would tell these