So what is the point to the madness? I am starting to sound like I am losing my mind? Well kind of, but here is what I wanted to say:
This means - fresh starts, new goals, and new adventures!
Start with making SMART goals!
S - specific, significant, stretching
M - measurable, meaningful, motivational
A - agreed upon, attainable, achievable, acceptable, action-oriented
R - realistic, relevant, reasonable, rewarding, results-oriented
T - time-based, time-bound, timely, tangible, trackable.
Start with what you want to achieve for the year. I put mine into categories:
- Home
- Self
- Emotional
- Physical
- Social
From there I break down the goals I want to see happen:
- Home
- Make a cleaning schedule
- Paint the bathroom
- Get new Curtains
- Self
- Find happiness
And it can go on from there. Throughout the year I use a planner, and a weekly planner to help me. I have one for personal and school, one for work, and then the daily planner. I have tried numerous planners but for 2017 these are the planners I am using:
I don't have a favorite, but I do have specification, and these just happened to meet them. I know I am a little excessive, but it works for me. In them I can track my goals, my work goals, and write my to-do lists. I set a daily goal, a weekly goal, and a monthly goal. All of which in the end will help with the yearly goal
When I am not working with a list, I am the least successful!
New to list making or hate lists? Here is a helpful Forbes article!
I have been following Ruth Soukup's blog on goals and she is a great motivation for goal setting! So if you need more motivation, perhaps you should check that out! She also can be found HERE for more motivation and positive goodies.
I wish you the best for your 2017 and hope it is your most successful year yet!
Until the next time!
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