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The Closing of 2016


2016 brought on many good and bad events! Lots of political rages, standing for what you believe in, and the death of many celebrities. But that is just the world's 2016! My 2016 was... well probably my most mundane year. I haven't even updated my personal blog in a while because this blog has been my favorite for 2016. When 2015 ended I vowed to never feel like I did in that year, and I worked at it. I made new friendships, bought my home, and was even really good with my weight loss for a while. My weightloss rantings can be found HERE! I must warn you, I haven't updated it for over a year now, but I vow to work on that blog. This one is easier since it deals with the everyday issues that I personally find entertaining and I try to make them fun, but I doubt I have a lot of followers, that is totally okay. I just like to type! My last 6 months of 2016 were not my best but they were not my worse, I did gain a lot more weight and that is something I never want to do again! 

So what is the point to the madness? I am starting to sound like I am losing my mind? Well kind of, but here is what I wanted to say:


This means - fresh starts, new goals, and new adventures! 

No better time than now to start thinking about how you want to start off and end the New Year 2017!  Make changes! Take a step in a more positive direction!:

How in the world do I get back on my feet after this year?
Start with making SMART goals! 

S - specific, significant, stretching

M - measurable, meaningful, motivational
A - agreed upon, attainable, achievable, acceptable, action-oriented
R - realistic, relevant, reasonable, rewarding, results-oriented
T - time-based, time-bound, timely, tangible, trackable.
Start with what you want to achieve for the year. I put mine into categories:
  • Home
  • Self
  • Emotional
  • Physical 
  • Social
From there I break down the goals I want to see happen:
  • Home
    • Make a cleaning schedule
    • Paint the bathroom
    • Get new Curtains
  • Self
    • Find happiness
And it can go on from there. Throughout the year I use a planner, and a weekly planner to help me. I have one for personal and school, one for work, and then the daily planner. I have tried numerous planners but for 2017 these are the planners I am using:

I don't have a favorite, but I do have specification, and these just happened to meet them. I know I am a little excessive, but it works for me. In them I can track my goals, my work goals, and write my to-do lists. I set a daily goal, a weekly goal, and a monthly goal. All of which in the end will help with the yearly goal


When I am not working with a list, I am the least successful! 

New to list making or hate lists? Here is a helpful Forbes article!

Be A GOAL Digger! What great things will I attempt for God? What great things will I expect from Him?:

I have been following Ruth Soukup's blog on goals and she is a great motivation for goal setting! So if you need more motivation, perhaps you should check that out! She also can be found HERE for more motivation and positive goodies.

I wish you the best for your 2017 and hope it is your most successful year yet!

Until the next time!


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