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Showing posts from December, 2016

The Closing of 2016

2016 brought on many good and bad events! Lots of political rages, standing for what you believe in, and the death of many celebrities. But that is just the world's 2016! My 2016 was... well probably my most mundane year. I haven't even updated my personal blog  in a while because this blog has been my favorite for 2016. When 2015 ended I vowed to never feel like I did in that year, and I worked at it. I made new friendships, bought my home, and was even really good with my weight loss for a while. My weightloss rantings can be found  HERE!  I must warn you, I haven't updated it for over a year now, but I vow to work on that blog. This one is easier since it deals with the everyday issues that I personally find entertaining and I try to make them fun, but I doubt I have a lot of followers, that is totally okay. I just like to type! My last 6 months of 2016 were not my best but they were not my worse, I did gain a lot more weight and that is something I never want to do