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How to ACE That Job Interview - if Not the Actual Job

Take it from someone who works in an industry where we hire when we have openings. I have participated in the interviewing process, been interviewed, call and schedule interviews, and bring up many potential new hires into their interview. My dream is that everyone can be successful and get the job that they want.

Here are some tips on how to ACE the job interview:

1- You have to WANT the job. Don't just apply for anything just because the pay may be what you want.

So why do you want this job - meme -

2. You need to KNOW about the job, read up on it! Many jobs provide information in the job description, read the ENTIRE description! Don't just scroll down to the minimum qualifications.

how I'd like to answer when people ask what I do!:

3. You may not know this - but the initial phone call to schedule the interview CAN INDEED be a huge factor to your success of the job interview. I have called numerous individuals who do not sound confident on the phone, no matter how amazing they are at what they do. Most jobs do require you to be on the phone at some point.

Always make sure you sound confident on the phone, act like you know what you are doing even if you do not.

Dog Job Interview Phone Call:

4. NEVER ask about the money on the phone or in the actual interview. I know you want to, especially on those jobs that don't have the pay on them. You want to see what you're getting yourself into, but I PROMISE you can find out other ways. You can always call a recruiter for the position, or later on this is something you can and will in fact discuss.

Quote on office ecard: I thought I wanted a career. Turns out I just wanted paychecks. - Peg It Board:

5. Dress to IMPRESS!

Men - A tie, some deodorant, a shave, decent looking hair, no jeans... may just help you out a bit!

Women - No messy buns, wear a decent skirt, a decent nail color, iron your clothes perhaps?

It is all about the hygiene for anyone really!

How to dress for an interview:
Professional Attire vs. Business Casual for women.:

6 - BE ON TIME - if not a few minutes early. If you are going to miss your interview, or be late, call and inform the individual who is interviewing you! It looks horrific to be late or miss your interview.

If a minion was the reason I was late for something, I might not even be mad. humor, funny quotes <a class="pintag" href="/explore/humor/" title="#humor explore Pinterest">#humor</a>

7 - Smile, make eye contact, don't twist in your chair, talk with your hands, be determined, be brave, be confident, KNOW YOUR RESUME, talk slower than you normally would, try not to use filler words (um, like, you know, yah, etc.),

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8 - Shake hands when you are done, thank them for the interview, and wait until you leave to say bad things about anyone in the room or the feel of the office.

This is a GREAT question! Smart way to address anything before leaving your interview. - 1000 Life Hacks:

 This article is a good read regarding follow-up after an interview. 

Hopefully, my crazy blog post will help you feel a little bit better about going into future interviews. leave any comments below :)

Until Next Time!


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