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Don't Let Your Thought Deter Your Actions

For this blog post I would like to talk about Self Image. Your self image can make or break you. If you say you don't have an insecurity, I call your bluff. I do, however, believe that you can look past your insecurities.
To say being insecure is a bad quality is an overstatement. Everyone wants to see themselves for what they wish they could be. I am not here to preach to you, because believe me - even in my personal life and my work life - I too have insecurities. 
For the past couple of weeks I have been taking a class called "Star Achievement". I have learned a lot about myself in my professional and personal aspect. I am more confident at work but less confident in my personal life. Sometimes I just want my work life to copy on to my personal life. I think I would be a lot more successful as an individual.
Today I learned that you can be. You might have to take some of your work tactics into your personal life. One of my things I LOVE to do, is make lists. I love to cross the tasks off as I accomplish them. So what did I do today? I made an "I am Good Enough" list. 
I am sure I heard of this somewhere, and I am sorry for not citing my sources - but it really helps. I always thought "Positive Self Talk" was so stupid. Talking to yourself in front of the mirror? Well let me tell you something ... it works! 
Today I sat down for a moment when I got home, made a list of everything I view myself as. I started it out as "I Adriana Steadman am..." then proceeded. One of the topics I put down was "I am better than my insecurities". We are ALL better than our insecurities. As they say, you are your worst enemy. I am the most self conscious person out there. This is an ugly trait I have had since I was in 7th grade. I have tried to overcome it. So many people can say "oh but you are so pretty". I get it, when someone brings up something about themselves you try to steer clear of it. I don't do it to fish for compliments. I simply sometimes do not like myself. 
But why should I not? I am awesome. I know that makes me seem self centered. I think it is okay to be a little self centered at times. This is how I view myself in the working world - why can't I view it in my personal world? Just because right now I am single, and have no guys knocking at my door whenever they get a chance - does not mean I am any less of a person.
There are many great people out there who are in the same situation as me. I am just trying to live my life, follow my dreams, and be the best version of me I can be. There is always room for improvement.
I hope that everyone can find a moment to sit down, write out a list of your best qualities - stand in front of the mirror and read that list to yourself with meaning. You may feel silly, but I promise it will make you feel better. If no one cheers you on, you always have yourself.
Until next time...
positive thinking means a positive self image


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