It is 6:30 in the morning, the alarm goes off. You hit snooze, it is so warm under the covers. 15 minutes passes, and that is 15 minutes too soon. You wake up in a hurry, try to find the cleanest thing on your floor, because lets face it... that is where all the clean and dirty laundry ended up. You slap on some make up and go out the door.
If I had 1 extra hour in my day, and 1 less hour at work, I could get everything done outside of work. How come my proficiency in my work cannot transfer to my life? Oh I know... it is because I am tired. Who knew being an almost 25 year old young single lady could be so difficult? It really isn't, but you have so many things going on.
Do you even know what goes on in my mind? Let me give you a snippet, without a ton of detail. I wake up, think of how badly I do not want to wake up. Then I think about what to wear and how to do my hair and makeup. I get to work and it is a discombobulation of manager requests, project, and emails. Finally when I think I have a moment to breath and do something for myself, work is over. I go home and think about how badly I do not want that cookie, and get ready for the gym. Then there is the mentality of doing my religious duties, cleaning my room, my house, and dating! Really... is there any time in the day to just go home and read a good book? No.
I am not sure how mothers do it, because my day is pretty much consumed by thoughts of work, life, boys, and home responsibilities, and family obligations.
I barely have time to paint my nails and go get a new pen at the store! This is all in the life of a poor girl in a cooperate world.
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